Monday, September 22, 2008

Such an Honor...

On Sunday we were able to dedicate Grady at our church. What an honor it is to be chosen to be parents! God has been gracious to us and the least we could do is give him back to the Lord! Hannah says it best in 1 Samuel, " I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord." Thank you for Jesus for this wonderful blessing!

Charleigh and Mason, sittin' in a wagon...

On Saturday we spent the afternoon with the Smiths at City Lake Park. We had such a nice time hanging out with friends!Charleigh and Mason had a great time playing in the Animal Land, riding the train, and climbing on the playground. Jeff and Josh did a fine job keeping up with the little ones while Candice and I chit chatted and played with Grady. How much do we love the Smith family?!?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy 20 month Birthday Charleigh!

One day I was talking to my friend Holly, worried about how I could make both of my kids feel special with all that is going on in our world. She told me to spend time with them on their birthdate, each month as kinda like a Kid Date. What a great idea! So for the 1st one I thought we should do it big since Grady was just welcomed to the family. What better place to celebrate than Chuck E. Cheese!

Charleigh had a blast...along with Jon and Maggie:) She loved all the little things you ride and getting the tickets. When we left she had gotten enough tickets to get a bracelet, clapper, stickers, and a comb. We had such a blast and I can't wait to celebrate next month. Happy Day Charleigh!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Like I need one more thing to do...

I have a million things I should be doing right now, however creating a family blog seemed like a lot more fun! I decided that it was time to keep up with the Smiths and Barbers. No, really I did it so I could create a page with pretty paper and pick out music. That is the real reason why I have spent all afternoon perfecting my page. Not so you can keep up with my life but to create something that I could be proud of. I hope that you enjoy reading about my crazy, but wonderful life!