Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Like I need one more thing to do...

I have a million things I should be doing right now, however creating a family blog seemed like a lot more fun! I decided that it was time to keep up with the Smiths and Barbers. No, really I did it so I could create a page with pretty paper and pick out music. That is the real reason why I have spent all afternoon perfecting my page. Not so you can keep up with my life but to create something that I could be proud of. I hope that you enjoy reading about my crazy, but wonderful life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well Erin your site looks great. When you called me the other day to ask if you could handle running a blog i had my doubts, but so far so good. I have only a few questions How come there are no pictures of me on it? I guess i am not cool enough to be part of the Sands Clan. And of your favorite things to do is not hang out with Me and Maggie, i guess we keep sliding down the pecking order. Well anyway we both love and keep it up and now when i am out of town i can look at the blog and see what is going on with the Sands family. Have a great day give the kids a kiss for me and I will talk to you soon